After the Hungarian Revolution in 1956, the Hungarian Air Force eliminated their four air divisions! The Ilyushin IL-10 'Beast' type was extracted and planned to be replaced with MiG-15 ‘Fagot-A’, but this did not happen. Also, only four of the Tu-2 ‘Bat’ replacement IL-28 ’Beagle’s were taken over. In addition, Hungary lost 110 MiG-15 ‘Fagot-A/Midget’s and 20 MiG-17F ‘Fresco-C’s after the revolution. The Soviet Union took back many Hungarian airplanes after the revolution.
By 1960 the Hungarian fighter forces had only seventy MiG-15 (52 MiG-15bis 'Fagot-B' and 18 MiG-15UTI 'Midget') and twelve MiG-17PF 'Fresco-D' jets left.