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10th Reconnaissance Air Regiment’s life in color
in 1977-1982

The first MiG-25 Foxbat reconnaissance aircraft arrived at Shchuchin airport in 1978. The gray reconnaissance-bomber aircrafts replaced the Yak-28R type.

The 10th Regiment used two high-speed type in the eighties. In the first squadron used MiG-25s while the secound used MiG-21s. In case of a possible Third World War they would have deployed in East Germany.

Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment pilots at Shchuchin Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment pilot his MiG-25RB Foxbat at Shchuchin
Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment pilots at Shchuchin Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment crews at Shchuchin
Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment pilots at Shchuchin Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment MiG-25RB Foxbat at Shchuchin
Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment pilots his MiG-21UM Mongol-B at Shchuchin Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment MiG-21R Fishbed-H at Shchuchin
Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment MiG-25RB Foxbat at Shchuchin Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment crews and his MiG-25RB Foxbat at Shchuchin
Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment' flag at Shchuchin Soviet Air Force 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment pilots at Shchuchin

Rostislav Kuzmic collection

Soviet Union, USSR, Soviet Air Forces, VVS, Cold War, Soviet Belorussian Military District's, 26th Tactical Air Army 1983, 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment, Shchuchin, Yak-28R Brewer-D, MiG-21R Fishbed-H, MiG-21UM Mongol-B, MiG-25RB Foxbat, 10th independent Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment, Mikoyan and Gurevich, Yakovlev

Облако тегов:
Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, СССР, Военно-воздушные силы, Холодная война, Белорусского военного округа, 26 ВА ВГК, 26-й ВА БелВО, БВО, Белорусского ВО, 26-я воздушная армия, 26-я ВА, 26-я Воздушная Краснознамённая Армия, 10-й отдельный Московско-Кенигсбергский Краснознамённый ордена Суворова 3й степени полк являлся одним из наиболее прославленных разведывательных авиаполков, Щучине, Як-28Р, МиГ-21Р, МиГ-21уМ, МиГ-25рб, 10-й орап, Микоян и Гуревич, Яковлев