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Eastern Order of Battle

Soviet Belorussian Military District's
Tactical Air Force in January 1, 1983

In 1980 the 26th Tactical Air Army command was reorganized. Instead of this the Belorussian Military District's Air Force’s Command was formed.

In the early eighties the 26th Air Army went to war again. Between 1983 and 1984, three MiG-21 squadrons fought in Afghanistan.

Two of the 927th Fighter Air Regiment's MiG-21 Fishbed squadrons moved to Sindand and Bagram Airport, while the staff of the 10th Independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment's second squadron moved to Bagram airport.

In the early eighties, the 968th Fighter Air Regiment started preparing for the arrival of the MiG-29 Fulcrums.

Soviet Belorussian Military District's Air Force order of battle in 1983

* Several sources state it’s MiG-21bis Fishbed-L

** They receive the first few MiG-29 Fulcrum in 1983

979th Fighter Air Regiment's pilots in 1979


Soviet Belorussian Military District's Air Force order of battle in 1983 Soviet Belorussian Military District's Air Force  order of battle map
Soviet Belorussian Military District's Air Force order of battle in 1983

             * The exact sub-variants used aren't known

The 1st Guard Fighter Bomber Aviation Division replaced the old Su-7 Fitters in the early eighties. The 911st and 940th regiments received MiG-27s. From 3rd regiment (Poland) and 236th regiment (Carpathian MD) they received used MiG-27 Flogger-D bombers between 1981 and 1982. Two new squadrons of MiG-27K Flogger-J2 and a few MiG-27M Flogger-J version also came from the factories in 1982. The former was an extremely modern type at the beginning of the eighties!

One of the 1st Guard Fighter Bomber Air Division's two young regiments, the 306th became a tactical bomber regiment. It received old and used, but long-range Su-24 Fencer-A bombers between 1982 and 1983. The 305th regiment continued to use the very old Su-7 Fitter-A bombers.


The last Soviet Su-7 Fitter fighter bomber unit.


10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment at Shchuchin. Photo: Sergey Kirilova

In the meantime, the old 953rd Bomber Air Regiments joined the newly formed 24th Air Army in 1980.



305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment old Su-7BMK Fitter-A in 1984

At the end of the seventies, a very interesting type exchange happened at the 10th independent Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment. In 1978 the high-speed MiG-25RB Foxbat reconnaissance aircraft arrived at Shchuchin. But it didn't replace the same task type MiG-21R Fishbed-H, but the big Yak-28R Brewer-D. This was the other way around than at the rest of the Soviet Air Army.

10th Reconnaissance Air Regiment’s life in color


Soviet Union, USSR, Soviet Air Forces, VVS, Cold War, Soviet Belorussian Military District's, 26th Tactical Air Army 1973, 95th Fighter Air Division, Shchuchin, 95th Fighter Aviation Division, 927th Fighter Air Regiment, Bereza, MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K, MiG-21bis Fishbed-L, 927th Fighter Aviation Regiment, 968th Fighter Air Regiment, Ross, MiG-23M Flogger-B, 968th Fighter Aviation Regiment, 979th Fighter Air Regiment, Shchuchin, MiG-23S Flogger-A, MiG-23ML Flogger-G, 979th Fighter Aviation Regiment, 1st Guard Fighter Bomber Air Division, 1st Guard Fighter Bomber Aviation Division, Lida, 1st Guard Fighter Bomber Aviation Division, 911st Fighter Bomber Air Regiment, Lida, MiG-27K Flogger-J2, MiG-27 Flogger-D, 940th Fighter Bomber Air Regiment, Postavy, MiG-27M Flogger-J, MiG-27 Flogger-D, 305th Fighter Bomber Air Regiment, Postavy, Su-7B, Su-7BM, Su-7BKL, Su-7BMK Fitter-A, 306th Bomber Air Regiment, Bobrovichi, Su-24 Fencer-A, 10th independent Reconnaissance Air Regiment, Shchuchin, Yak-28R Brewer-D, MiG-21R Fishbed-H, MiG-25RB Foxbat, 10th independent Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment, 65th independent Helicopter Regiment, Kobrin, Mi-6 Hook, Mi-10PP Harke, Mi-8T Hip-C, 248th independent Mixed Air Squadron, Minsk, Mikoyan and Gurevich, Sukhoi, Mil, Yakovlev

Облако тегов:
Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, СССР, Военно-воздушные силы, Холодная война, Белорусского военного округа, 26 ВА ВГК, 26-й ВА БелВО, БВО, Белорусского ВО, 26-я воздушная армия, 26-я ВА, 26-я Воздушная Краснознамённая Армия, 95-я истребительная авиационная дивизия, Щучин, 927-й истребительный Кенигсбергский краснознаменный, ордена А. Невского, Береза-Осовцы авиационный полк, МиГ-21СМт, МиГ-21бис, 927-й ИАП, 968-й истребительный Севастопольский краснознаменный, ордена Суворова авиационный полк, Россь, МиГ-23М, 968-й ИАП, 979-й истребительный Волковыскский краснознаменный, ордена Суворова авиационный полк, Щучин, МиГ-23МЛ, 979-й ИАП, 1-я гвардейская Сталинградская ордена Ленина дважды Краснознаменная орденов Суворова и Кутузова авиационная дивизия истребителей-бомбардировщиков, Лида, 911-й авиационный полк истребителей-бомбардировщиков, Лида, МиГ-27к, МиГ-27, 911-й адиб, 940-й Трансильванский авиационный полк истребителей-бомбардировщиков, Поставы МиГ-27М, МиГ-27, 940-й адиб, 305-й авиационный полк истребителей-бомбардировщиков, Поставы, Су-7, 305-й адиб, 306-й бомбардировочный авиационный полк, Бобровичи (Бобрах), Су-24, 306-й Бап, 10-й отдельный Московско-Кенигсбергский Краснознамённый ордена Суворова 3й степени полк являлся одним из наиболее прославленных разведывательных авиаполков, Щучине, Як-28Р, МиГ-21Р, МиГ-25рб, 10-й орап, 65-й отдельный транспортно-боевой вертолетный полк, 65-й отбвп, Ми-8, Ми-6, Ми-10ПП, Кобрин, Микоян и Гуревич, Сухой, Мил, Яковлев