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Eastern Order of Battle

The last Soviet Su-7 Fitter fighter bomber unit.

After 1968, the Soviet Tactical Air Force size were doubled, lots of new units were created. The Belorussian Military District's 26th Tactical Air Army has set up four new regiment. In 1968, two new fighter regiment and in 1976 two new fighter-bomber regiments.

One of the new units was the 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment. The commanding staff were provided by the 940th regiment. The pilots arrived straight from school to Postavy Airport. In 1976, 24 newly graduated pilots arrived from the school at Borisoglebsk. They flew the MiG-17 Fresco. In 1977 10 pilots arrived from the school of Yeyskoye. They flew with Su-7 Fitter bomber.

Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7B Fitter-A at Postavy Young Soviet crews behind of his Su-7 Fitter-A
At Postavy Soviet pilots at Postavy
Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment's pilots at Postavy Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7B Fitter-A and MiG-15UTI Midget at Postavy

The young 305th regiment's first squadron used Su-7B/BM Fitter-As, the second and third squadron used MiG-17 Fresco. Later they also replaced the MiG-17 to Fitter. Every Su-7 version were used. The Su-7BKL, Su-7U trainer, in fact even the export BMK version too!

The old Su-7 Fitter nuclear bomber was used by them the longest. The last Su-7 was replaced with Su-24 Fencer bombers in 1986!

Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7U Moujik at Postavy Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7BM Fitter-A at Postavy
Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7BMK Fitter-A export version at Postavy Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7U Moujik at Postavy
Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7 Fitter-A at Postavy Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7BKL Fitter-A at Postavy
Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7BM Fitter-A at Postavy Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7BM Fitter-A at Postavy
Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7 Fitter-As at Postavy Soviet 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment Su-7 Fitter-As at Postavy

Soviet Union, USSR, Soviet Air Forces, VVS, Cold War, Soviet Belorussian Military District's, 26th Tactical Air Army 1983, 1st Guard Fighter Bomber Air Division, 1st Guard Fighter Bomber Aviation Division, Lida, 305th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment, 305th Fighter-Bomber Aviation Regiment, Postavy, Su-7B, Su-7BM, Su-7BMK, Su-7U, MiG-15UTI Midget, MiG-17 Fresco, Mikoyan and Gurevich, Sukhoi,

Облако тегов:
Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, СССР, Военно-воздушные силы, Холодная война, Белорусского военного округа, 26 ВА ВГК, 26-й ВА БелВО, БВО, Белорусского ВО, 26-я воздушная армия, 26-я ВА, 26-я Воздушная Краснознамённая Армия, 1-я гвардейская Сталинградская ордена Ленина дважды Краснознаменная орденов Суворова и Кутузова авиационная дивизия истребителей-бомбардировщиков, Лида, 1-я адиб, 305-й бомбардировочный авиационный полк, 305-й апиб, Су-7Б, Су-7БМ, Су-7БКЛ, Су-7БMК, Су-7у, МиГ-17, МиГ-15ути, Поставы, Микоян и Гуревич, Сухой